Multicontactos » ASSEMBLE REVEL

Functionality below deck and above your expectations. The Assemble-reveal is the perfect piece to add connections and optimize space. Its ability to be slid forward is ideal to maintain a free and aesthetically wide area, by keeping it hidden, under the cover. Thanks to its simple assembly, it can be placed in temporary positions or simply be reconfigured elsewhere. It has 2 loading centers and 2 open entrances.nod

Se monta en el borde de la superficie de trabajo, sin necesidad de recortar la mesa ni de instalarlo
Tamaños disponibles: 2, 3 ó 5 puertos de carga
Doble USB de carga, con 2 amperios por puerto de carga
Opciones para USB tipo C
Disponible con Simplex a prueba de manipulaciones